Sunday, 14 February 2010

The New Wembey Stadium; American Football

This is a brand new stadium at Wembley and we're here today to watch the New England Patriots play the Tampa Bay Buchaneers. Tampa has the home team advantage (they'll need it) and the stadium has sold out its 80 plus thousand seats for this once a year NFL event. This is my first attendance at a pro football game, and to think I had to go to England to watch it. Seats are offered via a lottery and the 'leader' of our group of 6 signed up for the lottery over a year ago.

You're looking at the queue for the pre-game tailgame show. It zig-zagged down & up 3 times, then headed for the entrance. Crowds were patient & well behaved & didn't cut. I'm glad I went but would skip the tailgate party in the future. In my opinion, the NFL organized tailgate party is nothing more than an excuse to sell lousy food and NFL football accessories; hats, clothing, jewelry, etc.

Entrance to the stadiun was opened up at 3pm. Up 5 or 6 flights of long stairs to gain entrance to the interior circular walkways that ring the stadium at different levels. This is were more stuff is sold. What stuff you ask? NFL clothing, NFL etc., etc., food & Beer. Once you circle around to the right zone, you walk up the ramp and see this, the impressive sight of a new stadium. The seat are red, which is an easy way to visually measure the number of empties.

It's just about game time, notice the red is all gone, all the seats are filled.

Look close, yep, that's #12. Needless to say(??) the Pats won by a wide margin.

Watching the game live was a big big difference; no replays, no close-ups, no adds (liked that part) and it was a great experience. After the game, the crowds thinned out quickly and the 'authorities' did a great job directing us to the train stations we needed to get to for uor rides back to town; Watford in this case, up north.

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